Here at Callie Gray Art, we value the satisfaction of our customers and strive to provide the highest quality products. We understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances may occur, so we have created a clear and fair refund policy for you.

All prints are custom made to order, tailored specifically to your preferences. Due to the personalized nature of these prints, we regret to inform you that they are not eligible for refund or exchange.
However, if your print or its frame has been damaged during transit, we are here to assist you. We kindly request that you reach out to us through our contacts page within 7 days of receiving the print. Please provide us with detailed information about the damage and include photographs as well.
If your claim qualifies for a replacement, we will gladly bear the shipping costs and provide you with a shipping label. To ensure the safe return of the print, please use the original box or tube it was shipped in.

Our original artworks are unique creations that cannot be returned or exchanged simply due to a change of mind. We encourage you to carefully consider your purchase before placing an order.
In the unlikely event that your original artwork or its frame arrives damaged, we ask that you contact us through our contacts page within 7 days of receiving the artwork. Provide us with a detailed description of the damage and include photographs for our assessment.
If your claim meets the criteria for a replacement, we will cover the shipping expenses and furnish you with a shipping label. We kindly request that you return the original artwork using its original box or tube to ensure its safe transport.
At Callie Gray Art, we are committed to resolving any issues promptly and amicably. We appreciate your understanding of our refund policy and encourage you to reach out to us with any concerns or questions you may have.